The distance from Pleuku to the town.
Knowing the distance will help you calculate the time of your trip, avoiding missing an appointment with your family or important business partners.
2. Moving from Pleiku Airport to Gia Lai
- 2.1 Shuttle bus
Pleiku Airport is about 5km away from the city center. After getting off the city, it is easy for you to take a car/airport shuttle to other nearby districts.
The airport shuttle services Pleiku relatively cheap, only about 100,000VND / person
- 2.2 Bus
You can choose to travel by bus to Pleiku City with cheap price, suitable for people wwant to save travel costs.
Some bus routes:
Duc Long Station – Pleiku city center
Phu Son (Chu Pah – Gia Lai) – Pleiku center
La Dom (Duc Co – Gia Lai) – center of Pleiku
Pleiku – Pleiku City
Pleiku – Kon Tum
Pleiku – Ia Grai, Duc Co, Pleiku City, Chu Puh.
- 2.3 Airport Taxi Service
In addition to the above options, you can also refer to the taxi service of some reputable taxi companies:
Hung Nhan: 059 3717171
Huy Hoang: 059 3757575
Mai Linh: 059 3717979
Phu Quy: 059 3872777
Tre Xanh: 059 3716666
- 2.4 Sharing-taxi of Dichungtaxi
To save money, you can also use sharing-taxi option that will save you 40% of your cost compared to normal taxi
Actively book your taxi online through the system
Just enter your destination and then select the type of taxi, you can know the exact price for the trip and you can compare it before using the service of dichungtaxi.
- 2.5 Motor-taxi
Motorbike taxi is almost 24/24 to meet people's mobility needs. But you also need to skillfully bargain before going, to make sure have a suitable price.
3.Contact information
Official website:
Street 17/3, Thong Nhat Ward, Pleiku City, Gia Lai
Phone: 0593 825096 – Fax: 0593 825096 would like to wish you a safe trip!
About DichungTaxi
Founded in 2013, DichungTaxi is an online booking service across Vietnam.
We provide 3 types of transport service:
1) Private car or taxi transfers
2) Shared taxi transfers
3) Half-day and one day Tours
In 2017, DichungTaxi is available in 20 Airports & 40 cities across all Vietnam.
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