Transportation in Phu Quoc Island

New updated information about transport to travel around Phu Quoc: rental bicycle, motorbike, car, taxi, boat/ ferry,..

How to get from Phu Quoc Airport to city center ?

Updated information November 2017. How to get from Phu Quoc Airport to City center? From Phu Quoc airport to city center located 25km away you can choose between taxi, private car, Airport shuttle, bus, and shared taxis

Bản đồ Phú Quốc

Map of Phu Quoc

Tourist map of Phu Quoc

59 Restaurants to try when coming to Dalat

Updated May 2018. DichungTaxi will introduce you 59 eating places to try once in the city of Da Lat. regional food, delicious and homemade too

Tips to avoid motion sickness in Vietnam

Car trip for long distance or shorter ones to the countryside can be inconvenient for people sensitive to motion sickness in Vietnam

Khuyến mại tháng 8 Đi chung Taxi


In August, booking a taxi from Ha Noi to Noi Bai is only 50.000 VND, from Noi Bai airport to Ha Noi is only 150.000 VND if booking in advance 30 days before the day you go for only rideshare service.

Da Nang Travel: Travel Guide from A to Z in 2019

Updated in May 2019. Da Nang Travel: Travel Guide from A to Z in 2019. How to get to Da Nang, the accommodation, the tourist attractions in Da nang and food in Da nang.

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